09 Jan 2025
Frequently asked questions about January Round 1 uni offers
How do I find out if I have received a January Round 1 offer?
Offers will be sent to applicants via email from 7.30am on Thursday 9 January 2025. Applicants can also view their offer by logging in to their application.
What do I do when I receive an offer in January Round 1?
We advise you to accept your offer. You may not receive an offer in the later rounds and if you don’t accept by the specified date, the offer will lapse and your position at university will be offered to someone else.
If I accept my January Round 1 offer, can I get an offer in a later round?
Yes. In January Round 2 on Thursday 23 January you will be considered for any of the preferences listed higher than the preference offered in January Round 1. You can also be considered for other courses, but you must change your preferences. Changing preferences after you receive an offer.
What if I accepted a previous offer?
If you would like to accept your January Round 1 offer but have accepted a previous offer, accept the new offer and then contact the institution who made the previous offer to withdraw your acceptance (this will free up your place in the course for someone else and ensure you are not charged tuition fees).
Can I defer my offer?
Yes, most institutions allow you to delay the start of your studies for a year, but each institution has its own deferment policy. Some institutions grant deferment only in special circumstances, so check with the institution.
How do I find out what the selection ranks were?
A document with the lowest selection rank (previously known as the cut-off) for entry into each course is published on UAC’s website at 7.30am, when January Round 1 offers are released. Remember that selection ranks are not just ATARs, they include adjustment factors (previously known as bonus points).
How do I know if there are any courses with vacancies after January Round 1?
The document listing the lowest selection ranks for January Round 1 courses will also indicate which courses will likely have limited vacancies in January Round 2. There may be vacancies in courses other than those specified, but only if January Round 1 offers aren’t accepted. Contact the institution for further information.
Don’t lose heart and remember that there are more offer rounds to come. Your preferences will be considered again in January Round 2, but to be considered for other courses, you must change your preferences.
Why didn’t I receive an offer in January Round 1?
Usually, it’s because you weren’t competitive enough against other applicants. Check the list of January Round 1 lowest selection ranks and compare them to your ATAR. For January Round 2, make sure you change your preferences to include at least one course that requires a selection rank lower than your ATAR.
If you are not eligible to receive an offer to a course you have included in your course preferences (eg you have not satisfied course prerequisites), there will be a statement to this effect under the course preference in your application.
Do I need to change my preferences for January Round 2?
Change your preferences only if you want your courses to be considered in a different order to the January Round 1 preferences and/or if you want to add or substitute other courses. Remember that preferences are considered in the order in which you have listed them and that courses listed below an offered course will not be considered.
How do I change my preferences?
You can change your preferences by logging in to your application on UAC’s website. You can change your preferences for January Round 2 from 7.30am on Thursday 9 January until 11.59pm on Thursday 16 January. Read how to change your preferences after you receive an offer.
Which courses can I include for January Round 2?
You can include any of the courses available through UAC for consideration in January Round 2. Check which courses have vacancies and make sure you are eligible for any new courses you list in your preferences. Some courses have special entry requirements, course prerequisites and/or early application closing dates. Check the course descriptions by using the course search on UAC’s website.
When are January Round 2 offers released?
January Round 2 offers are released at 7.30am on Thursday 23 January.
Can I still apply to study at university in 2025?
Yes. You can apply through UAC for first semester study until midnight on Friday 7 February 2025.
Where can I get more information about my study options?
For more information contact the institution directly.