UAC COVID-19 update

Page last updated 12 Apr 2022

UAC COVID-19 update

UAC is fully operational and available to provide ongoing support to applicants, schools and parents.

Contact our Customer Service team

Information for applicants

Applications for undergraduate study in 2023 are open and the standard admissions process is being followed.

UAC key dates

University admission criteria

There is no Educational Access Scheme (EAS) category of disadvantage that specifically covers the impact of COVID-19 on your education. However, you can claim financial hardship under EAS if your parent or guardian has received one or more of the following payments for at least three months:

  • JobKeeper
  • COVID-19 Disaster Payments
  • JobSaver
  • Pandemic Leave Disaster Payments (if care of a COVID-19 positive person was required).

This is in addition to the provisions for applicants whose parent or guardian has received JobSeeker payments. We urge all eligible students to apply.

We understand that COVID-19 may have had impacts that are not covered by EAS, but EAS doesn’t cover every disadvantage. The rigour and equity of EAS also require external reliable documentation, usually from responsible third-party sources.

Note that some students disadvantaged by COVID-19 may already be eligible under at least one of the existing EAS categories relating to home environment, personal illness and other financial hardship.

Information for schools

Our Community Engagement team is back on the road and attending face-to-face events. For more information or to make a booking, email

We also recommend you register for our UAC Digital webinars.

Information for institutions

All UAC departments are operating effectively and institutions should continue to use the usual channels of communication.