Educational Access Scheme

Educational Access Scheme applications

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Application dates

21 Nov 2024

EAS: Closing date for EAS applications for December Round 2

Apply and provide documents for EAS by midnight to have your application considered in December Round 2.

18 Dec 2024

EAS: Eligibility letters released for December Round 2

EAS eligibility letters begin to be progressively released to applicants with finalised assessment for December Round 2.

24 Dec 2024

EAS: Closing date for EAS applications for January Round 1

Apply and provide documents for EAS by midnight to have your application considered in January Round 1.

07 Feb 2025

EAS: Closing date for EAS applications for semester 1, 2025

Apply and provide documents for EAS by midnight to have your application considered for semester 1, 2025 admissions.

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