The University of Newcastle
CRICOS provider number: 00109J TEQSA provider ID: PRV12056
Courses included
You can add this course to your preferences until Sunday 1 December 2024.
Commencing Year 1 students will need to be committed and available to start studies on Monday 17 February, 2025.
The Bachelor of Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine (Joint Medical Program) is offered jointly by the University of Newcastle and University of New England in partnership with Hunter New England and Central Coast Local Health Districts. There is a common curriculum across both campuses. The five-year program provides students with the knowledge and skills to commence a career as a doctor, able to provide and improve individual and community healthcare in an Australian context and internationally.
The program is taught by expert clinicians and researchers actively involved in breaking research discoveries. Advanced simulated learning environments and educational technologies ensure access to the latest resources in medical education.
The program is responsive to a rapidly changing health environment. The structure and content are designed and reviewed by a multidisciplinary team of specialist doctors, healthcare clinicians, health service experts, medical educators, and student representatives. The primary intent of the program is to develop work-ready graduates that enter internship with a dedication to excellence in patient care and a commitment to lifelong learning.
Applicants successful in gaining entry to this program will be offered a place at the University of Newcastle or University of New England. Consideration is given to the enrolment location preference on the applicant’s JMP direct online university application. There is no guarantee that candidates will be allocated their preferred location. Applicants who gain entry to the University of Newcastle may express a preference on their JMP direct online university application to commence the program at the Central Coast Clinical School.
Students enrolled in this program are required to undertake clinical placements at locations away from their university of enrolment. These placements may be outside the standard university semester dates. In third, fourth and fifth years, clinical placements are completed within the six JMP clinical schools. Students will have the opportunity to select, or may be required, to be located at a rural clinical school (Armidale/Taree/Tamworth) for one year of study. All students are required to complete one year at a metropolitan clinical school (Hunter/Central Coast/Maitland).
This degree requires students to participate in clinical placements in NSW Health facilities. During placements, students will be subject to policies and procedures laid down by NSW Health. Students must also meet all NSW Health verification requirements before attending. Students enrolling in this degree are required to obtain a WorkCover-approved Provide First Aid Certificate during semester one; those students enrolling at the University of New England are also required to obtain a Working with Children Check.
Prospective students will be required to perform all aspects of medical practices, including physical examination and routine medical and surgical procedures, to meet program requirements. Students may be required to practice hands-on examinations and simulated treatments/procedures with other students in laboratory classes. For more information refer to Inherent Requirements.Applicants who may be unsure of their ability to complete the program and work in the profession should contact the University prior to applying.
Medicine, including medical sciences, clinical medical and surgical specialties (e.g., respiratory and cardiovascular medicine, cancer treatment, orthopaedics), community and public health, women’s and children’s health, mental health, hospital-based medicine, research and the critical evaluation of evidence.
There are many career pathways to follow with further post-graduate study: Addiction medicine, Anaesthetics, Clinical genetics, Dermatology, Emergency medicine, General practice, Intensive care medicine, Medical administration, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Occupational & Environmental medicine, Ophthalmology, Paediatrics & child health, Pain medicine, Palliative medicine, Pathology, Physician (general and specialist), Psychiatry, Public health medicine, Radiation oncology, Radiology & nuclear medicine, Rehabilitation medicine, Rural and Remote medicine, Sexual health medicine, Sports and exercise medicine, and Surgery (general and specialist).
On successful completion of the Joint Medical Program, graduates are eligible for provisional registration with the Medical Board of Australia under the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency. A period of accredited intern training is then required before general registration as a medical practitioner can be attained.
The JMP delivers opportunity for placements in urban, regional, and rural settings across Australia. Our clinical teachers are highly skilled national and international experts in their fields. Clinical experience begins in the first semester and culminates in an immersive clinical experience in the final year. A range of professional experiences and teaching from practicing doctors is central to the program, as medical students develop an in-depth understanding of the patient journey through encounters with patients and carers in hospital wards, outpatient clinics, and in the community. There is opportunity to develop an understanding of global health systems and to undertake clinical placements and exchanges overseas. The program may be personalized by preferencing a pathway of interest and completing a research project during third, fourth and fifth years.
Students who complete the Bachelor of Medical Science are eligible to apply for a Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours), a one-year full-time honours degree designed to provide students with training in scientific method and in the verbal and written communication of scientific results.
In addition to submitting a UAC application, you must:
Year 12 applicants must attain a minimum ATAR of 94.30 or equivalent. Candidates completing their Year 12 studies in a designated rural or remote location will be considered for entry with a minimum ATAR of 91.40 or equivalent.
Rural/remote students who can demonstrate a significant rural/remote background may be eligible to apply under the Rural and Remote Admissions Scheme. For further information, call the Enquiry Centre, University of Newcastle on (02) 4921 5000 or the School of Rural Medicine, University of New England on (02) 6773 3048.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students may also apply for admission through the Joint Medical Program Miroma Bunbilla Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Pre-Entry to Medicine Program. Students wishing to be considered for entry under this scheme must submit a UAC application by Monday 30 September 2024 and include 785000 Bachelor of Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine (Joint Medical Program) as a preference. For further information concerning Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander selection and application requirements call The Oorala Aboriginal Centre, University of New England on freecall 1800 622 384 or the Thurru Indigenous Health Unit, University of Newcastle on (02) 4005 0801. Prospective students should be aware that Miroma Bunbilla is a week-long compulsory PreMed program and will be conducted in early December.
Check the special requirements and policies for this course.
Applicants must meet the Essential Requirements for admissions outlined above.
If you have completed or partially completed higher education studies, your grade point average can be converted into a selection rank for admission into our undergraduate programs.
There are no credit transfer/articulation arrangements for entry to the Bachelor of Medical Science/Doctor of Medicine and Joint Medical Program at the University of Newcastle.
View all details of this course on the University of Newcastle website.
University of Newcastle degrees
The academic content of all programs is subject to routine review.
Use all ATAR profile data as a guide only; it provides a broad overview of the ATARs and selection ranks of previous Year 12 students admitted into that course. ATARs and selection ranks required for entry in 2025 may be different. If you are unsure about including a course among your preferences, contact the relevant institution.
– = data is not available.Course updates
Courses are added and cancelled throughout the admissions year and course details are subject to change. Check the UAC course search regularly.
Review of programs
The academic content of all programs is subject to routine review. For up-to-date details, visit University of Newcastle degrees.
Applicants should note that under the revised Australian Qualifications Framework some programs are four-year programs available with direct entry. Other programs are three-year Bachelor degree programs. Meritorious students have the option to apply for an additional one-year end-on component after graduation. Check the course descriptions carefully.