The University of Newcastle
CRICOS provider number: 00109J TEQSA provider ID: PRV12056
Courses included
The Diploma in Media and Visual Communication gives you a launchpad to develop your knowledge, critical thinking and creative skills to prepare you for exciting careers in media, communication, graphic art and visual design. You will hone these skills to produce the innovative art, design and media content of the future.
You will receive embedded support from the Pathways and Academic Learning Support Centre, including access to a dedicated Student Liaison Officer, a quiet workspace for independent study and smaller class sizes in your foundational courses.
The Diploma in Media and Visual Communication provides you with a level 5 diploma qualification and a degree pathway at the University of Newcastle. Upon completion of the Diploma in Media and Visual Communication you’ll receive guaranteed entry into the Bachelor of Media and Communication or the Bachelor of Visual Communication Design and all programs in the Guaranteed Admissions Scheme.
Animation and interaction, creative arts, creative industries, graphic design and illustration, media arts production, news media, public relations.
You can take your career in a range of directions in Media and Communication including: camera operator, copywriter, director, editor, festival/events coordinator, film and documentary maker, film/television production assistant, foreign correspondent, media production editor, political adviser, travel writer.
Alternatively, if your interests lie in Visual Design the options include: advertising, art director, branding specialist, digital media designer, exhibition designer, graphic designer, illustrator, interaction designer, motion graphics designer, publication designer, web designer.
Applicants must satisfy the University of Newcastle English language proficiency requirements.
Recommended studies: One or more of the following HSC subject areas or equivalent: Design and Technology, English (any level), Industrial Technology, Textiles and Design, Visual Arts.
Applicants who achieve an ATAR (or equivalent) of 50 or above are eligible for admission.
We strongly encourage you to enrol in bridging courses. NUPrep Bridging provides free academic preparation and support short courses, available on campus or online, to complete before beginning your degree.
Explore NUPrep Bridging Courses
Applicants who have successfully completed a minimum of two units of higher education study are eligible for admission.
Applicants who have successfully attained a competency-based AQF Level 3 qualification (Certificate III) or higher are eligible for admission.
If you do not have an ATAR (or equivalent) or formal qualification, Newcastle University offers a range of pathways toward your preferred degree. No matter what your age or experience, there is a place for you.
View all details of this course on the University of Newcastle website.
University of Newcastle degrees
The academic content of all programs is subject to routine review.
Use all ATAR profile data as a guide only; it provides a broad overview of the ATARs and selection ranks of previous Year 12 students admitted into that course. ATARs and selection ranks required for entry in 2024 may be different. If you are unsure about including a course among your preferences, contact the relevant institution.
– = data is not available.Course updates
Courses are added and cancelled throughout the admissions year and course details are subject to change. Check the UAC course search regularly.
Review of programs
The academic content of all programs is subject to routine review. For up-to-date details, visit University of Newcastle degrees.
Applicants should note that under the revised Australian Qualifications Framework some programs are four-year programs available with direct entry. Other programs are three-year Bachelor degree programs. Meritorious students have the option to apply for an additional one-year end-on component after graduation. Check the course descriptions carefully.