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Bachelor of Software Engineering (Honours)

Griffith University

CRICOS provider number: 00233E TEQSA provider ID: PRV12076

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Software engineers design and implement the software systems our society depends on, from biotechnology to sports to submarines.

You will learn about software engineering theory and software development and program construction. You will study mathematics, computer systems, engineering principles and information systems. You will learn through group project work, developing software for external clients, and gain skills in teamwork, project management and quality management as well as embedded systems. You will also learn about international standards and industry best practice techniques. 

In your first year, you'll develop a strong foundation in basic science and engineering principles. You'll study a range of engineering areas, letting you decide which area interests you the most. In the following years you will further develop and hone the skills learnt. Throughout, you will be exposed to industry and gain insights into best industry practice. Over half of the final year is project based and performed with industry, giving you exposure to a real-world environment. 

You can choose to exit with a Bachelor of Engineering Science on completion of three years of study.

Areas of study

Software engineering.

Career opportunities

Software architect, software developer, software engineer, software tester, IT project manager, systems analyst, security specialist, computational scientist, programmer, networking and communications specialist.

Professional recognition

Graduates can receive accreditation from Engineers Australia, and be recognised under the Washington Accord. This means graduates can work in other countries that recognise the Washington Accord, including the UK, USA and parts of Europe.

Fees and charges

Refer to Griffith University current fee information.

Admission criteria

Applicants with recent secondary education

Assumed knowledge: Any two units of English (Band 3); Mathematics Advanced.

Recommended studies: One of Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics Extension 1 or Mathematics Extension 2.

Guaranteed ATAR: 80.00 (or IB 28). Refer to the Griffith Guaranteed Admission Scheme for details.

Applicants with vocational education and training (VET) study

Griffith VET Guarantee applies to this program.

All applicants

Refer to Griffith University general admission criteria.

Further information

View all details of this course on the Griffith University website.

ATAR profile

ATAR-based offers only (semester 1, 2024)

Use all ATAR profile data as a guide only; it provides a broad overview of the ATARs and selection ranks of previous Year 12 students admitted into that course. ATARs and selection ranks required for entry in 2025 may be different. If you are unsure about including a course among your preferences, contact the relevant institution.

  1. This ATAR profile table is in line with Commonwealth Government transparency requirements. It is based on offers to recent school leavers (ie completed Year 12 in the last 2 years) who were selected solely or partly on their ATAR. Note that some institutions further differentiate this information on their websites.
  2. The ATAR values exclude any adjustment factors.
  3. The selection ranks include the ATAR and any adjustment factors.


– = data is not available.
<5 = less than 5 ATAR-based offers were made.
N/A = no offers were made on the basis of ATAR.
NC = new course
NP = Not provided by institution
NR = No reportable profile
NS = No Semester 1 offers
NN = Unavailable (other)
NO = Entry on other criteria

Student profile

Course updates
Courses are added and cancelled throughout the admissions year and course details are subject to change. Check the UAC course search regularly.