Griffith University
CRICOS provider number: 00233E TEQSA provider ID: PRV12076
Courses included
The Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) caters for students who have demonstrated outstanding potential in the field of science. This degree follows the Bachelor of Science, giving you the opportunity to engage in research early in your degree by taking one advanced studies course each trimester.
You’ll undertake a major research project and be individually guided and mentored by one or more of our outstanding scientific researchers. In your final year, you’ll complete an honours project in your chosen specialisation. This is the opportunity to hone your skills and demonstrate your research ability under the eyes of a seasoned science professional.
Majors: Applied mathematics, biochemistry and molecular biology, chemistry, data science, geography, marine biology, physics, wildlife biology.
This degree is designed to help you gain the necessary skills and experience to find work as a highly regarded researcher or academic in Australia or overseas across a range of government and non-government sectors. As well as opening a pathway to PhD studies, this degree may lead to opportunities in fields including biotechnology and pharmaceuticals, oil and mineral exploration, medical research, scientific and technical services, and more.
Depending on selected major, Royal Australian Chemical Institute, Australian Institute of Physics, Australian Mathematical Society, Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Australian Society for Medical Research, Australia and New Zealand Society for Cell and Developmental Biology, Australian Society of Plant Scientists, Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology, Ausbiotech Ltd.
Applicants applying to commence in Trimester 3, 2023 also need to meet the following subject prerequisite: Any two units of English (Band 3).
Assumed knowledge: Any two units of English (Band 3); Mathematics Standard 2 or Mathematics Advanced.
Recommended studies: One of Biology, Chemistry or Physics.
Griffith VET Guarantee applies to this program.
View all details of this course on the Griffith University website.
The academic content of all programs is subject to routine review.
Use all ATAR profile data as a guide only; it provides a broad overview of the ATARs and selection ranks of previous Year 12 students admitted into that course. ATARs and selection ranks required for entry in 2025 may be different. If you are unsure about including a course among your preferences, contact the relevant institution.
– = data is not available.Course updates
Courses are added and cancelled throughout the admissions year and course details are subject to change. Check the UAC course search regularly.