Charles Sturt University / Western Sydney University
Courses included
You must apply through UAC and upload your supplementary application form and all other supporting documents by midnight AEST Friday 27 September 2024.
Ready to get qualified to become a doctor? With our Doctor of Medicine you can study regionally and be at the cutting edge of the future of medicine in Australia. The continuing shortage of doctors in rural and remote areas is central to Australia’s rural health crisis. You can help address this regional shortage by studying our Joint Program in Medicine, in partnership with Western Sydney University.
The Doctor of Medicine (MD) Joint Program in Medicine is a five-year undergraduate program offered jointly by Charles Sturt University and Western Sydney University.
Applicants can only receive one offer to the Joint Medical Program, to study at either Western Sydney University or Charles Sturt University. Your preference of campus will be considered but cannot be guaranteed. The campus offered will be subject to the availability of places and the preferences of other eligible applicants. It is important to note that transfers between Western Sydney University and Charles Sturt University programs are not allowed.
The course is structured around problem-based learning. The first two years of learning focus on the basic sciences (pharmacology, physiology, anatomy, population health and biochemistry), clinical skills and evidence-based medicine. An e-portfolio commences in the first year and runs through all five years of the course.
Clinical learning begins in the first weeks of this highly practical course. In your third, fourth and fifth years you’ll extend your professional skills through full-time clinical and community placements in a number of clinical schools throughout New South Wales and Victoria, covering the broad range of general, specialist medical and inter-professional training. This will include surgery, medicine, critical care, obstetrics and gynaecology, paediatrics, mental health, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and medicine in context rotations.
Every student in the Doctor of Medicine program is required to undertake a research project. You will choose a project in the second part of Year 2 and complete the project over Years 3 and 4.
Medicine is a physically and mentally challenging profession in which practitioners are often required to put the interests of their patients above their own. You must be prepared to commit to a lifetime of service and continuous learning.
While medical education will provide candidates with the foundation of knowledge, attitude, skills and behaviours required to practise medicine, it is recognised that there are certain inherent requirements that are necessary to progress through the curriculum and ultimately receive the Doctor of Medicine (MD). Review the inherent requirement statements and think about whether you may experience challenges in meeting these requirements.
At Charles Sturt University you’ll learn in our state-of-the-art facilities, including our brand new academic hub and clinical skills learning centre. You’ll be well prepared for your future in medicine when you get hands-on experience in our anatomy teaching laboratory, simulation hospital wards, interactive study pods and ultrasound room. Throughout the course, you’ll work closely with the local health district and community organisations.
Clinical medical and surgical specialties, health in the community, hospital-based medicine, medical sciences, mental health, patient care, population health, research and medicine in context, women’s and children’s health.
When you graduate, you'll be ready to make your mark in a wide range of careers, including medical practice, public health, medical education, research.
Most medical graduates undertake at least several years of postgraduate vocational training before starting independent practice in their chosen area.
This course is professionally accredited by Australian Medical Council (AMC).
Refer to the Charles Sturt Professional Accreditation resource for specific information and a link to the accreditation body.
Internship: After graduation, you will begin your medical career as an intern, managed in New South Wales by the Health Education and Training Institute (HETI). After one year you'll be eligible for general registration to begin the next phase of your medical training.
An internship of one year is a requirement of registration as a medical practitioner in Australia. Internships are organised by the Health Education and Training Institute for internship positions in NSW.
All students must ensure they meet the Medical Board of Australia English language skills for initial registration. For further details regarding English language proficiency refer to the Medical Board of Australia Registration Standards: English Language Skills.
In years 1 and 2, you will experience a range of short term and regular clinical placements. Most of your training from the third year of the course will be spent in clinical placements that cover the broad range of general, specialist and inter-professional training necessary to ensure you are prepared for your medical internship.
The first two years of the medicine program are based at the Orange campus of Charles Sturt. You will be allocated to a Clinical School Campus in regional and rural NSW and Victoria for the duration of your clinical placements (Years 3 – 5) in the five-year Doctor of Medicine program. You will attend most of your clinical placements in the teaching sites associated with that Clinical School Campus. Depending on the campus, some students will be required to complete some of their clinical placements at other clinical sites.
Patient contact and clinical learning begins in the first weeks and continues throughout the program. In Years 3, 4 and 5 you will rotate through clinical placements. You may be required to undertake these placements at locations away from your enrolment location and in NSW and VIC Health facilities. You will be subject to NSW and VIC Health policies and procedures.
Students at Charles Sturt University will be allocated to a Clinical School Campus in regional and rural NSW and Victoria for the duration of their clinical placements in the five-year Doctor of Medicine program. Students will undertake most of their clinical placements in the teaching sites associated with that Clinical School Campus. Depending on the campus, some students will be required to complete some of their clinical placements at other clinical sites.
You will be responsible for all travel and other expenses during placements that are away from your enrolment location.
The Australian Government subsidises the tuition fee for this course. The remaining balance is paid by the student. Visit the Charles Sturt University website for current fee information.
UCAT/Interview: In addition to submitting a UAC application, you must:
If you are successful, you cannot defer this program.
Also check the special requirements and policies for this course.
Applicants who are invited to interview will be assessed for a place in the Joint Program of Medicine on:
Minimum ATAR: 95.50 unless you meet the criteria for the Rural Entry Admission requirements, in which case the minimum ATAR required is 91.50.
Recommended studies: Chemistry.
Applicants with a completed undergraduate degree must attain a grade point average of at least 5.5 (non-rural graduates) or 4.9 (rural graduates). Applicants with an incomplete degree, a graduate certificate, graduate diploma or coursework masters can refer to Doctor of Medicine applicant information.
All applicants must meet the minimum academic requirements.
The Rural Entry Admissions Scheme (REAS) offers a minimum of 80% of its places specifically for rural students to study medicine at Charles Sturt University. It is open to current school leavers, non-current school leavers and graduates.
REAS applicants must have lived in an Australian Statistical Geography Standard - Remoteness Area (ASGS-RA) of 2 to 5 for a minimum of 5 years consecutively or 10 cumulative years, commencing from the age of 5 immediately prior to commencing the Doctor of Medicine.
Entry to the Doctor of Medicine program requires all REAS applicants to provide documentation confirming their eligibility to apply as a rural applicant. Applicants must upload a completed Community Member Confirmation form as part of their UAC application.
Download the Community Member Confirmation form.
Charles Sturt University is committed to increasing the number of First Nations doctors. There is a different pathway process for those who apply as an First Nation applicant.
We encourage all First Nation applicants to contact Charles Sturt University to discuss your interest in applying. Call Charles Sturt University, School of Rural Medicine on 02 6365 7611 or email
A minimum of six interview positions will be guaranteed for rural and regional students in the Charles Sturt University pathway. Prospective students must achieve the requisite grade point average of any Charles Sturt University course and have undertaken the UCAT. Prospective students will also submit the required Medical Admissions Questionnaire.
This pathway is only available for Charles Sturt University students who meet the definition of a rural applicant. Rural origin is defined as residency for at least 10 years cumulatively or any 5 years consecutively in an ASGS-RA 2-5 area since the age of five years' according to current NSW Health definitions. To determine your eligibility, check your residential postcode online through the health workforce locator at DoctorConnect using Australian Statistical Geography Standard - Remoteness Area 2016 (ASGS- RA 2016).
View all details of this course on the Charles Sturt University website.
Charles Sturt University degrees
The academic content of all programs is subject to routine review.
Use all ATAR profile data as a guide only; it provides a broad overview of the ATARs and selection ranks of previous Year 12 students admitted into that course. ATARs and selection ranks required for entry in 2025 may be different. If you are unsure about including a course among your preferences, contact the relevant institution.
– = data is not available.Course updates
Courses are added and cancelled throughout the admissions year and course details are subject to change. Check the UAC course search regularly.
Contact us
For more information about any of Charles Sturt University's courses, call Charles Sturt University on 1800 275 278 or search the Charles Sturt University website.
Study Link
Study Link is Charles Sturt University’s Preparation for University Study program, offering a suite of over 20 short, self-paced subjects that have been designed to help build academic skills, fill knowledge gaps and give you practical experience and confidence in studying online. Study Link subjects help your transition to university study, with dedicated subject coordinators available to help you along the way.
Study Link subjects are non-credit bearing and free for most Australian residents. For more information, visit Study Link on the Charles Sturt University website.