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Bachelor of Nursing


CRICOS provider number: 00219C TEQSA provider ID: PRV12073 RTO code: 40939

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Applications for this course close on 5 December 2024. You can update your preferences on your UAC application until Wednesday 2 January 2025 if you applied for this course before the course closing date.

Depending on clinical placement availability, you may need to travel within or outside of your current state to attend your clinical placement.

The Bachelor of Nursing (Enrolled Nurse Pathway) will prepare you for a rewarding and diverse career as a competent and effective Registered Nurse (Division 1) General. It is open to applicants who have completed a Diploma of Nursing (study package versions HLT51612, HLT54115 or HLT54121) within the last seven years and have current Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) registration as an Enrolled Nursing (Division 2).

The Clinical Learning Centres are designed to simulate a real-world setting for you to safely practice in as a student. Through this course, you will acquire skills to provide person-centred care and collaborate with other members of the interdisciplinary healthcare team. You will seek evidence to ensure safe quality practice and act in a professional, ethical and compassionate manner. In addition, you will learn to nurture the development of nursing as a practice discipline and demonstrate leadership in healthcare.

Other requirements: On accepting an offer for this course, it is strongly recommended that students start gathering evidence to complete the mandatory checks required to attend clinical placement.

Areas of study


Career opportunities

In the final year of the course, students usually apply for a new graduate nursing position in a hospital and health service or other healthcare organisation, where they will have the opportunity to consolidate their knowledge and skills in nursing further. The broad nature of nursing and healthcare allows opportunities for employment and/or specialisation in environments such as acute hospital services, community health, mental health, residential and aged care, Indigenous health, and rural and remote health.

Professional recognition

CQU's Bachelor of Nursing (CL91) is accredited by the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC). The Bachelor of Nursing leads to eligibility for registration as a nurse (Division 1) in Australia. The Bachelor of Nursing (Enrolled Nurse Pathway) will use the same accreditation as achieved in the Bachelor of Nursing (CL91). Provisional support for accreditation has been received from ANMAC.

Practical experience

800 hours of professional experience placement in a variety of settings with different health organisations. You must meet specific mandatory health, safety and security requirements to be eligible to attend each professional experience placement. Professional experience placements may be limited in your community. This means that you may be placed in other locations and you may be required to relocate to complete your placements.

Fees and charges

Refer to CQUniversity current fee information.

Essential requirements for admission

Graduate or prior study status: Applicants must have a completed Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) equivalent Diploma of Nursing qualification (accepted study package versions HLT51612, HLT54115 or HLT54121 only) which has been completed within the last 7 years as of the Term commencement date; and Applicants must hold current Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) registration as an Enrolled Nurse (Division 2).

Check the special requirements and policies for this course.

Refer to CQUniversity English language proficiency requirements.

Admission criteria

Applicants with recent secondary education

Recommended studies: English Standard, Mathematics Standard 2, Biology, Chemistry.

All applicants

Refer to the CQUniversity general admission criteria.

Further information

View all details of this course on the CQUniversity website.

CQ University degrees

The academic content of all programs is subject to routine review.

CQ University website

ATAR profile

ATAR-based offers only (semester 1, 2023)

Use all ATAR profile data as a guide only; it provides a broad overview of the ATARs and selection ranks of previous Year 12 students admitted into that course. ATARs and selection ranks required for entry in 2024 may be different. If you are unsure about including a course among your preferences, contact the relevant institution.

  1. This ATAR profile table is in line with Commonwealth Government transparency requirements. It is based on offers to recent school leavers (ie completed Year 12 in the last 2 years) who were selected solely or partly on their ATAR. Note that some institutions further differentiate this information on their websites.
  2. The ATAR values exclude any adjustment factors.
  3. The selection ranks include the ATAR and any adjustment factors.


– = data is not available.
<5 = less than 5 ATAR-based offers were made.
N/A = no offers were made on the basis of ATAR.
NC = new course
NP = Not provided by institution
NR = No reportable profile
NS = No Semester 1 offers
NN = Unavailable (other)
NO = Entry on other criteria

Student profile

Course updates
Courses are added and cancelled throughout the admissions year and course details are subject to change. Check the UAC course search regularly.