Postgraduate course
University of Sydney
Courses included
The Juris Doctor is a graduate entry professional law degree that provides a pathway into the law profession for graduates from non-law degrees, or for those with law degrees from overseas. The Juris Doctor covers the areas of knowledge required for admission to practice law in Australia.
The Juris Doctor will provide you with an integrated understanding of the rules, principles, concepts, and practices of law while developing your analytical, research, writing and advocacy skills, ensuring you are well prepared for legal practice in Australia and internationally.
A wide range of electives offer advanced learning and international perspectives. You may choose to participate in our social justice program, gain professional experience in a work placement, go on exchange to similar law schools in Asia, Europe and North America, or experience other legal systems by completing one of our offshore units in China, United Kingdom, Germany, Norway, India, Nepal, Vanuatu and Japan.
Domestic students can apply for a full-fee place (DFEE) and/or a Commonwealth supported place (CSP).
Admission to candidature for the Juris Doctor requires a bachelor's degree from any discipline other than law. Domestic students are assessed on the better of a completed degree or a combination of a secondary school leaving qualification, such as the NSW Higher School Certificate and a completed degree.
Applications will be ranked by merit and offers for available places are issued according to the ranking. Where students have completed more than one degree, results from the best degree will be used.
Offers are made on a rolling basis via UAC and will commence in September when domestic applications open. Accepting an earlier offer from another law school will not affect your University of Sydney Juris Doctor application, and you will still receive an offer if you are eligible. Accepting a fee offer from the University of Sydney does not affect your CSP preference and you will be assessed if places are still available in later rounds.
Applications are also open to Juris Doctor students from other law schools who have completed no more than one year of their Juris Doctor at the time of enrolment.
Applications from law graduates with a degree from a law jurisdiction outside Australia are welcomed. Unspecified credits might be granted for candidates who have completed a Bachelor of Laws, or a similar qualifying law degree overseas.
English language requirements must be met where applicants cannot demonstrate sufficient qualifications taught in English.
^ Annual course fees are indicative only and subject to change.
Commonwealth supported places (CSP) may be available in this course. Applicants are ranked by merit and offers for available places are issued according to the ranking.
Australian Government financial assistance
Read the full course details on the University of Sydney website.
Visit the University of Sydney Law School website.
Call 1800 SYD UNI (1800 793 864) (freecall).
Email via the University of Sydney website.
In addition to the Juris Doctor offered through UAC, the Sydney Law School offers a wide range of postgraduate coursework degrees by direct application to the University.
The academic content of all programs is subject to routine review.