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Postgraduate course

Master of Data Science

University of Canberra

Courses included






Indicative annual tuition fee^ (A$)
Start Date
This course has been cancelled
Campus {{campMap[].name}}
Duration {{course.poa}}
Indicative annual tuition fee^ (A$) ${{course.fee.toLocaleString("en-US")}} Student contributions
Start Date{{}}


If you consider yourself a big picture thinker, the UC Master of Data Science is the course for you. You'll be introduced to a whole new world of data interpretation and learn  the skills to recognise, interpret and ultimately manage trends at both a micro and global scale. Data analysis and modelling underpins all aspects of social and community development. Thanks to the internet and smartphones, there has been dramatic growth in the scale and complexity of data that can be collected and analysed across a range of discipline areas, including the health care and sports industries, and in business practice, scientific discovery and government policy.

To help process and navigate this vast and ever growing mass of data, the industry desperately needs trained specialists who can understand and interpret vast amounts of (big) data, while providing effective and ethical ways to protect information privacy. Using interdisciplinary coursework, strong research methodology and comprehensive training via industry-based projects (work-integrated learning), this course will position graduates to become leaders in this field in industry, government or academia.

Students can specialise in Sports Analytics, Business Intelligence or Artificial Intelligence & Computational Modelling.

Admission criteria

An Australian bachelor degree or equivalent in any field.

Fees and charges

^ Fee column represents an annual amount unless the course duration is less than one year; the amount then represents the full cost of the course.

Australian Government financial assistance

University of Canberra scholarships and financial assistance

Further information

Read the full course details on the University of Canberra website.

Visit the Faculty of Science and Technology website.
Call 1800 864 226.

The Faculty of Science and Technology brings together the University's world-class academic programs of Environmental, Medical, and Forensic Studies with our dynamic and cutting-edge teaching and research in information technology, information systems, engineering, and mathematics. These disciplines give our students, researchers, and collaborators a truly multi-disciplinary faculty in which to engage.