University of Wollongong
CRICOS provider number: 00102E TEQSA provider ID: PRV12062
Campus | Course code | Fee type |
Course duration (Years) |
Projected lowest selection rank |
Indicative annual tuition fee 2023^ |
Course start date | CRICOS code | CRICOS provider number |
Wollongong | 751208 | IFEE | 7 | 90.00 | A$38,304 | 24 Jul 2023 26 Feb 2024 |
103038G | 00102E |
^ The annual tuition fees are currently under review and subject to increase. Contact The University for further details.
Grow your legal and social knowledge of the engineering profession when you study engineering and law at UOW. You will uncover the interesting and complex relationship between building innovation and protecting the environment. You will develop a practical and contextual legal education that prepares you for traditional careers in the legal and engineering professions, as well as in the world of technology and entrepreneurism. You will become uniquely capable, practical-minded and adaptable as you uncover international possibilities.
Learn where the law intersects with society and engineering and how to protect your innovative solutions as you develop a thorough grounding in law and an understanding of engineering.
Design the career of your choice as you build highly competitive skills based on experiential learning. You will benefit from faculty who are some of the best in their fields, driving cutting-edge research and providing innovative solutions to global issues.
Throughout this double degree, you will gain hands-on experience, make meaningful professional connections, and have the opportunity for international workplace-based projects, or more traditional research-based projects. You will also gain practical experience during a legal internship and engineering placement where you will gain highly valued industry experience.
Bachelor of Laws: Business and financial law, commercial law, constitutional law, contracts, criminal law, environmental law, family law, human rights, intellectual property, international law, jurisprudence, legal ethics, legal skills, litigation and practice skills/internships, property law, taxation, torts. Bachelor of Engineering (Honours): First year: chemistry, communication, computing, engineering science, materials and fluids, mathematics, mechanics, physics, statistics. Major study area from second year: biomedical, civil, computer and autonomous systems, electrical and electronics, environmental, materials, mechanical, mechatronic, mining, telecommunications engineering and internet of things.
Bachelor of Laws: Solicitor, barrister, policy officer in government departments, in- house lawyer in private companies and community legal centres, accounting, banking and finance, business and management, education, government administration, media and communications. Bachelor of Engineering (Honours): Computer architect, computer systems engineer, civil engineer, construction manager, electronics engineer, electrical engineer, environmental engineer, geotechnical engineer, materials engineer, mechanical engineer, metallurgist, network engineer, production engineer, security engineer, software engineer, structural engineer, systems analyst, telecommunications engineer, transport engineer, water quality manager.
Bachelor of Laws: Eligible for admission as a lawyer in Australia, subject to
completing state-approved Practical Legal Training (PLT). Further details for NSW students can be found at the Legal Profession Admission Board website. Bachelor of Engineering (Honours): UOW’s engineering programs are accredited by Engineers Australia and relevant world engineering bodies through the Washington Accord. This ensures recognition by equivalent professional engineering bodies in the USA, UK, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa, Ireland, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore and other countries.
This recognition ensures that graduates from this course are admitted, on application, to the grade of Graduate Membership of Engineers Australia.
Bachelor of Laws: Legal internship provides 20 working days of professional experience. Bachelor of Engineering (Honours): 12 weeks of industry experience in one or more settings under the supervision of experienced engineers.
Bachelor of Laws: Bachelor of Laws (Honours) is awarded on the basis of excellent performance throughout the course, as well as in a Legal Research Methodology subject and a Legal Research Thesis. Bachelor of Laws (Honours by Research) is available as an additional year of study to meritorious students. Bachelor of Engineering (Honours): Research component (thesis) in the final stages of the course.
Assumed knowledge: Any 2 units of English, Mathematics Advanced.
Recommended studies: English Advanced, Engineering Studies, Mathematics Extension 1, Physics, Chemistry (Chemistry not necessary for biomedical, computer, electrical, mechatronic or telecommunications engineering).
Bridging courses in Physics and Chemistry are offered in February each year.
Refer to UOW general admission criteria.
Visit the UOW website and select the undergraduate course that you are interested in, then choose the ‘Admission Profile’ tab in the Admissions, Key dates and Fees section.
View all details of this course on the UOW website.
University of Wollongong degrees
The academic content of all programs is subject to routine review.
Course updates
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